Thursday, March 19, 2015

Of Cabbages and Demons

Back in the eighties I read a book telling of miraculous happenings in Findhorn, Scotland. Among these was the growing of forty pound cabbages. This was no ordinary gardening book, but rather about the intervention of demonic spirits disguised as pixies and even the god Pan. I had no idea that something as innocent as cabbages would lead me to look into the New Age Movement.

I once grew a cabbage that won a blue ribbon. I'm certain it did not weigh 40 pounds, but I did have to turn it on its side to get it through the door. Forty pounds was what the book on Findhorn bragged about, along with other huge vegetables. This was the proverbial nose of the camel in the tent. But this time the camel was backing in.

The Magic of Findhorn claimed that spirits made the vegetables grow to such sizes. Gardening was just a come-on, as this book, and many, many others, introduced the occult world of demonology to people just wanting to know about such innocent things. Then they were finding they were being led into a very dark world of deception on a Biblical scale.

This book was my introduction to the "Rainbow Culture". It is bigger than anyone could imagine, without studying it. But study I did.

Imagine that while on a streetcar, you meet a goat-like fellow with cloven hooves. You immediately recognize the god Pan and invite him home. This is part of the world of Spengler, an intensely clever fellow who starts like Lewis Carroll and soon becomes Dante. Many have done great investigative work on the fraud of Findhorn.

My wife and I visited Palmer, Alaska, just outside Anchorage. They too grow enormous crops. At the state fair the record breaker won with a 138 pound cabbage, almost 3-1/2 times larger than the Scotch one attributed to spirit entities. Their explanation--it is the northern latitude's long summer day and moderated color of its light. Palmer is at 61.6 degrees North. Findhorn is 57.6 degrees.

But the damage was done. The influence of Spengler and his books is almost impossible to exaggerate. Since the 80's the New Age movement has covered the world--not all of Spengler's influence, of course, but he is a large part of it. My introduction was with cabbages, but these people work for the Devil himself.

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