Monday, September 15, 2014

We Have Our Generals, Too

It was in a video I recently showed to some guests, this amazing quote made by a member of the True Torah Jews. These people who follow the Old Testament instead of the worldly course of the Zionists are responding to the threat of being forced into service in the Israeli Defense Force. They are small in number and were previously exempt from such service--involuntary servitude.

They maintain that they will not go into the Army, and they will not be indoctrinated by the teachings or programming of such a way of life. So-called heroes of the military are deemed as enemies of God and His people by the True Torah Jews. So why should they not serve? Why should they not defend the land that God gave them?

I am going to be very dogmatic now. First, this UN created country called Israel is not under attack. And second, it is not TIME for Jews to be there at all. They would attempt to legitimize their immoral stand by saying that this is the land that God gave them. God did give the land to Abraham's decendants, but the great majority of these people are not decendants of Abraham at all.

Oh, the attempted power grab that is going on! It's result will be justice, administered not by man, but by God.

Are the Bible's prophecies concerning this area in error? How ironic that Christians support ungodly Zionism, while Torah Jews know who these people are. The Torah Jews have their scholar generals. The church needs such generals too.

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