Wednesday, January 8, 2014

To Anyone "Afraid" of Me

A very dear friend told me that the reason people do not comment on my little posts, is that they are afraid of me. I respect her and what she tells me very much. She understands such things. So while I am still "available for comment", let me say there is absolutely nothing about me, or what I write, that anyone should fear.

I hope I don't ever come across as angry or sad, or anything like that. I am like the Scrooge that has seen the light. I have been given so much to rejoice over and I wish we all had it, or rather, knew about it.

Here is where anger, or just plain crabbiness, comes in. We have been robbed or misinformed about the great things God has in store for those who love him. I am not angry at God's people, but at systems or religious "hacks" who would keep us from peace and joy, by imposing regulations and conditions as barriers to us. I am a nobody, certainly no one to cause fear of any kind.

Jesus was very angry as he cleansed the temple with a whip. In my small way I try to do the same kind of thing. If I could have my heart's desire, it would be that people would have no fear, but could feel the love of God as expressed in His "love letter" to us, the Bible.

Let no one, or any system, come between you and God. That is my wish for you.

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