Saturday, December 14, 2013

Depopulation from a Doctor's Point of View

Time to get up, nine o'clock P.M. Ridiculous time to arise, but sometimes I need to turn on the computer, read and listen.

I had heard of Dr. Rima Laibow, but tonight I listened all the way through her talk, and I am so glad I did. She is not alone in her ideas, but brings an added perspective when she speaks from a doctor's vantage point. It is such a revelation when someone in a discipline learns the truth about the deeper meaning of what their collegues are doing. Simply, they are involved in killing people, most without intention. Good people, but taken over, run over, by those who follow an agenda of wealth and genocide.

Many have great difficulty in reconciling the modern view of a God who only loves and forgives, with a God who destroys a whole world system. Those who rely on what the Bible alone says, do not have this problem. They have read, and believe in the great flood--destruction and saving, in one act.

To hear what the rulers of the world are planning and doing, is to understand why Peter, for instance, tells of a future cleansing of the Earth. I invite you to listen to a brilliant and knowledgeable lady whose message shows the need for a killing of the killers.

Watch and listen as Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot.

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