Monday, December 3, 2012

Your Reward is Coming to You

And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Rev 22:12

What a wonderful promise. A little hard on people who say, "He's gone to his reward." But keep saying it and soon the words of Jesus will be forgotten.

Have I got a reward? I am not assuming. I do know that Lord Jesus is working on my mansion. I can only dream of what that will be. A friend said she is looking forward to her mansion. "Just think, we can show each other our rooms, and we won't have to leave the doors open."

Maybe we should think more often about our rewards? It can really lift your spirits.

So many are striving to be saved by being "good enough", like old infants working on being born.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that we are saved by His grace and not by our works, which is an abundantly good thing because I don't deserve most of the joys I have known in this life, let alone the joys I wish in the next one, the REAL one. However, I wish to please our loving living Father with all of my heart. I wish to try to be worthy of His love and His blessings. I also want to find my way to the neighborhood in Heaven in which my young son, and my father dwell, and the best way to do that, at least in my own limited Earth-mind, is to be the best person I can be.
    I try every day to be as loving as Christ would wish me to be. I try to listen as well as I need to. I try to take those chances to help people that our culture tells us not to take. I still make lots of errors, particularly of omission. God knows my heart however. He knows that my motives are pure and that I am determined to let his hand continue to shape me, and not to resist with the willful humanistic soul I once had. We need more people to consider what comes next, after this life.
